Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thinking Outloud

As we are on a journey called "life", do we ever wonder if or how our words impact others? I was reminded by someone "words have consequences". Sad to say, in some a very hurtful way. I would like to think I would be an encourager, not a discourager. We all face enough discouraging things and need encouragement to go on in life to help as many as we can. The world needs to see us as a person as helper and not doubt our honesty in any and all encounters we have with others. Though you will be shunned for your beliefs and the good things you do, just remember you are "a child of the King". Blessings.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

It's Been Awhile

Years have passed, many things have happened, both exciting and some in a horrific way. So many thoughts probably crowd your mind as mine does. Why so much hatred over trivial things? Why hate me and others if our opinions aren't the same as yours? I fail to understand. Do we not have the same freedom of expression? Those boasting of their tolerance, prove otherwise, so I won't go there. We are all God's creation, and I respect that, all made in God's image. So even that isn't agreed on, OK, you are entitled.
I think of families fighting family over what they believe they will inherit. Life is so short and at any moment it can end in an instant, then what? Forgiveness in any and all things may be hard, and sometimes the only thing to do is forgive and walk away. We have freedom and no longer burdened with the thing that may have held us captive. If I were to give advice, I would say "Let go and let God"
God Bless

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A friend I admire

A friend I met and made friends with when we were both experiencing weeks and days before we both lost a family member. We hadn't talked for awhile, but friends are on your mind whether you talk often or not.
Today she called me and caught me up on some things happening in her life. You have to know she is a lady I immediately bonded with when we met. She and her husband had just got custody of 2 grandchildren and step grandchild from another state. They were in foster homes because both parents were in prison. There were 2 girls and a boy. The girls about 8 and 12 and the boy 4. The girls were in the same home and seperated from their brother. Shoirtly after getting the children their house burned, destroying everything, they only escaped with their lives. They were able to get another home and settling in. The children were put in counseling because of all the trauma they had experienced in their home with drug making and addicted parents, and further trauma from abuse in the foster homes. The grandfather began having problems other than those he was being treated with dialayis for. There was a brain tumor and given 3 weeks to live. She knew no one, I thought of church family to help. Neither was there a church family. I talked with one of the drivers for another patient that lived in her area. He was a nice christian man and said he would see what he could do. He and his wife went to a small church in the area and was able to help in the emergency situation with the children. 6 years later she is still caring for them and they are thriving. She has taken in another grandchild disabled with muscular dystrophy since his mother has passed away with a sudden heart attack, not long ago. I'm not sure she attends church, but she relies on the Lord and gives Him all the praise for being able to do what she does. The oldest girl is in a group home and has employment, which is truly remarkable given her mental capabilities. She was so concerned as what would happen to her if she could no longer be around for her. The other 2 help care for the disabled child when not in school, reading to him and entertaining him and helping to bathe him. He goes to a school for special needs children.  This year alone she has had several deaths in her family, sister and daughter-inlaw among them. I know she would appreciate prayers, her name is Donna.
Thanks for listening, she is so precious.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Seasons of what you may ask. There are different seasons for every living thing. Just think of the blooming flowers, now in season, later on fall and winter bring with it a very different landscape, and then we anxiously await the spring season with new life to the plants. We have a marvelous world to enjoy the beauty of. There are seasons of our own lives as we have grown through the different stages. Should God allow, I will soon reach the four score time of my life. I look back at the many, many memories I've been blessed to have had. Sure there were struggles of many kinds, but with a "can do" attitude survival was possible. I have the most accomplished feeling when I was used to help another person, many times like myself. We can and do experience a feeling of "joy" to be the hands and feet of help others. I so wish I could relate to others it is NOT the riches they store away for a future time, but what they do with it TODAY is the biggest blessing and most happiness they will ever know.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Time Is Moving On

 I'm sure we all feel the hurry and bustle of everyday life going at such a "breakneck" speed all around us. Holidays so fast approaching and soon a new year, yet again. We may think of many things that have happened in our families and friends lives over the past year. It would be rare for anyone not have experienced a loss of a family member or friend. The more we age the more we lose each year. Many families may have new little ones they enjoyed welcoming into their families. They are gifts from God, like no other we may think of. Although we lose family and friends we have enjoyed for our lifetime, isn't it like God taking them home when we lose them here on earth?The joys of heaven can be theirs and ours, when we realize we are only here for such a short time to prepare us for an eternal home. We do not live without hope or promise of a better life beyond what our eyes may see, our small minds comprehend. Many will feel the lack of the physical presence of those gone into eternity for the first time since their departure this year, others memories of times past. Our lives change too without them, but take heart God never leaves us , although we grieve.  We were made to love each other and support those that sorrow. We are given those strengths for a reason, because this is what we call LIFE, a gift.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Grandma Talks

It's been awhile since I felt as if much was going on, then like a lightning strike seems everything changes. Close friends, I never felt I'd be without, have passed leaving such a void in each life they touched. My friends are friends I feel such a connection they were family in so many ways. We laughed together, shared sorrows with, and so much more I can't begin to describe. Life is something always changing, and those changes can be so shocking. I wasn't prepared to lose so many that had surrounded me in childhood, and my years working. Now a different chapter of my life is going on. I have the memories of our times together, God has granted that to me, for which I am thankful. Now I seem so alone, as others hurry through their daily lives, as I once did. Causes me to wonder why I couldn't see those day to day changes going on about me. I do now, and hope in some way there will be a life I can help to brighten in this every changing world. I love my family, something I hope they know.